Strategic Plan
Economic Development Strategic Plan
The EDA completed an economic development strategic plan in July 2016 after receiving $122,000 in grant funds. The strategic plan conducted the first in-depth analysis of the Amherst County economy to determine the top 5 economic development initiatives that could be undertaken to replace lost jobs, expand the employment base of the county, increase the county tax base, and better position our community to seize economic development opportunities when they arise.
The economic development strategic plan has been endorsed by the Amherst County Board of Supervisors who funded the implementation of the plan with a .01 cent real estate tax.

Amherst County believes job creation and economic development are fundamental to the future prosperity of the County.
The mission of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) of Amherst County is to promote economic development policies and practices that help retain the county’s existing businesses and employment base; facilitate the growth of existing commercial and industrial enterprises; and attract new businesses and employment opportunities. Success in this mission will result in high-quality jobs and a stable and diverse tax base that increases the quality of life of Amherst County residents.